Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Sense of Belonging Essay

â€Å"Ð  sense of belonging† is a book that nobody should miss! It provides students with the opportunity to examine different writing models and techniques while raising their awareness of different issues such as racial discrimination and racial abuse. Many of my friends found it interesting to read and could not stop reading the whole book although we were told to finish only four stories and only stopped flipping and reading till the last page! I personally find the book worth a read and would like to recommend it to all the secondary 3 and 4 students. Stories in the book include â€Å"a sense of belonging† and â€Å"The Test† which are about racial differences and a lady that was very mindful of her race. It does not merely elaborate on racial discrimination which can be very common but also tells us to be more sensitive towards other people and to be aware of our actions, as our words have the ability to hurt others. This is especially applicable to students of our age as we often meet friends of different races in school, and it reminds us that we should be considerate to others â€Å"The limits of trooghaft† highlights the plight of animals as humans are being treated the way we treat animals during the period of time we dominated the world. It serves as a reminder for us to put ourselves in others’ shoes and also consider the fact that animals have feelings and should not be abused like the way many are being treated now because animals have their own rights. This is a relatively important value in life that people need to constantly reinforce, so that we do not end up treating other people the way we do not want them to treat us. â€Å"a sound of thunder† talks about small mistakes leading to dire consequences and reminds us not to neglect the small details in life, because they can be important as well. After reading the book I personally found these four stories very inspiring and interesting. They allowed me to understand more about the common issues and problems faced, while learning moral values and reflecting on my daily life as we can easily relate to some of the stories in the book The important messages and lessons I learnt were invaluable to me and will accompany me for the rest of my life. Therefore I would strongly recommend this book to all upper secondary students as it can help them approach then own writing with more confidence and understanding, while teaching them life values at the same time.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Maoism in China Essay

Generally, the Communist system in the Soviet Union and in China are practically identical politically, economically, with the reciprocal purges ect†¦ However, Mao Tse-Tung and Stalin did not see eye to eye on many things and Maoism is considered today by most people to be a more developed stage of Marxism-Leninism. This is because of the historical and cultural background of China and because of her geographical position and climate which affects society. Contrary to Russia, Communism developed in the countryside instead of in the cities. Thus it was a peasants’ revolution rather than, as predicted by Karl Marx, a workers’ revolution. The cities in China were at the beginning, anti-Communist. The Chinese absorption of Marxism was highly selective. China took from Marxism those aspects which best suited the Chinese situation rather than force the Chinese situation to fit an overachieving ideology. Thus Marxism was to be the servant of the Chinese Revolution. Mao Tse-Tung believed that adherence to pure Marxist theory would be suicidal and concluded that proletarian revolution based upon the urban areas was impossible in China since 80 percent of the people were peasants. Due to the warmer climate and more fertile land, peasantry was more popular in China. This pragmatic solution led to the Revolution starting in the rural areas. The most important difference between Stalin and Mao is the comprehension of the word ‘proletariat’. The Russians believed it meant, as Marx had, the industrial workers while the Chinese, by lack of sufficient workers, understood it as the peasantry. The Great Leap Forward where everyone was put to work was another Maoist characteristic. For 100 days each year, the peasants were not working in the fields so Mao set them up to work in the off-season harvest after 1957. Millions of men and women were put to work in winter, digging irrigation ditches and canals, preparing railroads and laying track. Then the â€Å"backyard furnace† was invented and 600 000 small steel establishments were set up.  The object was to overtake Britain in steel production. However, when the peasants left their land to work on the industrial projects, the lands suffered. So more changes were made. In some communes, men and women were separated to increase their productivity by cutting down socialising. On February 27th 1957, Mao was feeling very positive about all that he had done so he decided to loosen the straps on the Chinese people. He introduced the ‘hundred flowers’ campaign where he encouraged arts, sciences and â€Å"a flourishing socialist culture in our land. Different forms and styles in art should develop freely†. It seemed he was encouraging free thought and criticism of the system. After only six weeks though, Mao’s open invitation brought a real storm of furious criticism from the intellectual community who believed the chairman was sincere. This infuriated Mao who was expecting positive feedback and in April 1957 a rectification campaign had begun to eliminate the ‘triple evils’: â€Å"subjectivism, sectarianism, and bureaucratism†. The party members and Mao believed to be above criticism so a purge of intellectuals began. The Cultural Revolution is perhaps the greatest difference between Stalinism and Maoism and was entirely set up by Mao Tse-Tung. He has been called insane many times for the crazy extent which the Cultural Revolution took and for the lasting and devastating effects it continues to have. Mao favoured the word, â€Å"destruction† when he promoted the Cultural Revolution; he preached that he had to destroy an old system of production, an old ideology and old customs first. He thought that once the ideology had been established, productivity would follow in a revolution. â€Å"Although the bourgeoisie has been overthrown, it is still trying to use the old ideas, culture, customs and habits of the exploiting classes to corrupt the masses, capture their minds and endeavour to stage a comeback. The proletariat must do the exact opposite: it must deal merciless blows and meet head-on every challenge of the bourgeoisie in the ideological field and use the new ideas, culture, customs and habits of the proletariat to change the mental outlook of the whole of society. At present, our objective is to struggle against and overthrow those persons in authority who are taking the  capitalist road, to criticize and repudiate the reactionary bourgeois academic authorities’ and the ideology of the bourgeoisie and all other exploiting classes and to transform education, literature and art and all other parts of the superstructure not in correspondence with the socialist economic base, so as to facilitate the consolidation and development of the socialist sy stem.† Fifteen years after the success of the Revolution, Mao saw his new society as troubled, he had destroyed the old ruling class, but had established two new ones: the intelligentsia and the bureaucracy. Mao had turned against the intelligentsia after the ‘hundred flowers’ campaign but had not finished destroying them. When he saw the Soviet Union’s new aristocracy with their dachas and limousines, he set out to destroy the establishment he had created. Always one to manipulate the masses, he turned towards the youth for a new society by creating the Red Guard, an army of children. They were sanctioned by the highest authority, Mao himself and were bent on destruction. In essence, the children destroyed anything which did not appeal to them, although the initial target was to destroy the ‘four olds’: ideas, culture, customs and habits. They travelled in bands for mutual protection and inspiration, destroyed stores and restaurants and attacked however they desired. The Red Guards were divided by family background: poor peasants against well-to-do peasants, peasants against workers, and the children of army officers. The next step of the Cultural Revolution came in January 1967 when Mao replaced the officials all over China by young people with no experience and no common sense. Then universities, middle schools and primary schools closed down. This was called the period of the terror. The only young people to receive an education were the children of intellectuals who were taught by relatives and parents. Mao tried to destroy the education process which was disastrous for China as specialist, technicians ect†¦ were indispensable for the development of a country, and in this case, they were dismantled. However, he changed his mind in 1978 and sent in the People’s Liberation Army to desman the Red Guard. Mao’s theory of constant revolution to avoid the forming of classes is the major separation with Leninism and Marxism. It was under these conditions that the most earthshaking political event and the largest mass mobilization the Earth has ever seen took place. This is how Chairman Mao defined its objectives: â€Å"The current Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is absolutely necessary and most timely for consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat, preventing capitalist restoration and building socialism.† Mao’s Communism focuses especially on the particular interest for China and this by rejecting foreign intervention. The only use for foreign involvement is to insure Chinese security, economy†¦ He believes in Chinese Communism first, and not in World Communism. However, China supports people threatened by oppression which explains their expansion policy. Indeed, China has expanded her territory by invading the Tibet, fighting Korea. China has refused economic aid, except for trade with the Soviet Union which represented only 2 percent of Chinese investments. China developed its own brand of Communism to suit its needs and similarly to Stalinism, was dictated by only one man, who had the power to decide anything he desired.

Monday, July 29, 2019

OOAD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

OOAD - Essay Example This new booking system will provide facility to computerize the record of the booking of customers into function (event) rooms or bedrooms; and ensures that a room is made available for further bookings as soon as it is vacated. This new system will be implemented to provide the reception more enhanced services. Through this overall customer services will improve that is the main aim in any business. This system will be based on the centralized databases system that will be used to record and manage daily working and management. This system will present a more enhanced working and handling of the overall booking and reservation of the hotel rooms and halls. This system will comprise the client and admin levels. The client system will run at reception to provide the receptionist help regarding the dealing and customer management. This level of the system will allow to reserve, relies, pay and check the overall room’s status and activities. The level will also generate customer slip for the payment. The admin level of the system will be handled by the administration. This level will be used to access the daily working, room’s status and profit. Here management will also be able to draw the daily monthly or any periodic reports. In this section I will present the main use cases of this system. This way of system design will provide a better overview of the system activates and responses. I have used smart draw for the drawing of this uses cases diagram. This section is about the analysis of the use-case model that drives other models in object-oriented analysis and design. The object-oriented technique with Unified Modeling Language is initiated by the system stakeholders as well as the working actions those are required. To demonstrate the on the whole behavior we build up use case model. This way of system modeling presents the indispensable circumstances in which user uses and interacts with the system and generate important

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Article brief Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Brief - Article Example The methodology used by the study to come up with a fraud model involved three steps. The first step was to data of a public company from 1995 to 2002. A sample of 100 companies was split into fraud and non-fraud companies (McKee, 2014). The third step was to test 15 predictive variables to determine those that were good predictors of fraud status. The fraud companies were selected from SEC Enforcement Release that provided publicly reported fraud. Non-fraud companies were matched with the fraud companies in terms of three criteria including market value, positive change of 25% in net income, and standard industrial classification (McKee, 2014). The predictive variables were derived from prior research literature. Analysis of the data involved binary logistic regression using fraud status as the variable to be predicted. The variables used when analysing the 15 predictive variables include company size, auditor tenure, and McKee-Lensberg bankruptcy probability. The fraud model was tested with 91 companies which were in the original sample. The other 9 companies not included in testing did not have data for at least one of the three variables used to analyse the predictive variables (McKee, 2014). A company with fraud probability greater than 50 was regarded as a fraud company while a company with less than 50% probability of fraud was regarded as a non-fraud company. The results of the study are that the model predicted 63 of the tested companies’ fraud status correctly. This reflected 69.2% level of accuracy. The model also predicted fraud status of 28 companies incorrectly, reflecting 30.8% rate of error. This model can be compared favourably to the fraud model developed by Alden et al (2012) which showed 75% accuracy of training rates and 64% accuracy of validation. This article is important because it provides a fraud model that can be used by auditors to develop standards

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Identify and describe the principles of Edwin Sutherland Differential Research Paper

Identify and describe the principles of Edwin Sutherland Differential Association Theory . Select and exaple and apply the Theory - Research Paper Example Legislators could use these theories for introducing legal rules that will prohibit people from crime. An indicative example is the theory of Differential Association of Edwin Sutherland. This theory is based on a series of principles, which are analytically described below referring to studies published in the academic literature. Sutherland first introduced the Differential Association Theory in 1924. The above theorist has been strongly influenced by the sociological theories of that time. He was mostly influenced by the views of Thomas and his theory of ‘the definition of the situation’. The above concept has been the theoretical basis on which the work of Sutherland was based. Sutherland developed his ‘generic theory of crime, the differential association theory, based on specific explanations of ‘law’ and ‘crime’’ (DeLisi et al. 216). This has been the main point at which the theory of crime of Sutherland – or else the differential association theory – has been differentiated from the work of other theorists in the specific field. A key characteristic of the theory of Sutherland is that it is not a concept that can be used periodically, independently from the life conditions, for the explanation of criminal behavior. It is rather involved in the course of life (DeLisi et al. 217). Another important element of the specific theory is its extensive reference to terms, like ‘attitudes and self-concepts’ (DeLisi et al. 217). In accordance with the theory of Sutherland, the criminal behavior cannot be characterized as a personal characteristic, i.e. it is not a type of behaviour inherited. Instead, it is learned, through the social interaction. In other words, the theory of Sutherland emphasizes on the importance of the social environment for the potential development of criminal behavior (DeLisi et al. 217). However, through this point of view, it can be assumed

Art using hand and brain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Art using hand and brain - Essay Example I have been crazy about drawing since I was six years old. I have always been interested in pictures and paintings. Drawing has occupied my mind since I was a kid, and has strengthened its root as I have grown older. People see images everywhere around them, and think that the artists draw those images out of the blue, without much thought and without much effort. However, that is not true at all. The truth is that artists spend ample time in thinking about the ideas behind every picture, and them bringing those ideas to life using imagination and innovation. However, that imagination, originality, and creativity is a gift of God that only some people possess. Artists think a lot before creating a picture. This is because they hold the responsibility for the message that they have to convey through the picture. Sometimes, the picture does not even have to be beautiful to convey the message. The artist uses his brains to deliver the message in the most beautiful way, so that the peopl e do not only enjoy the beauty of the picture, but also get the message in it. Whenever I have to draw a picture, first of all I make a sketch of it using pencil. This sketch is not beautiful at all unless I try to put the idea I have in mind into the picture, using my imagination. But of course, I cannot bring the picture to life without using my brains. The imagination comes from the brain; whereas, the hand can only draw some lines here and there. Hand lays the foundation, and the brain builds the whole building on that foundation. After I have drawn the basic sketch, I put color and beauty in it, keeping in mind that the basic message gets conveyed properly. Most often, I try to convey message about life. Once, I drew a sketch of a dark sea with bright blue horizon. When it was only a pencil sketch, it conveyed no message. But in mind, I had made a picture of happiness and gloom. Since life is a combination of happy and sad moments, I colored the sea very dark to represent gloom , and colored the horizon very bright to represent happiness. The picture turned out to be very remarkable, as it was a combination of sparkling colors, which actually depicted a contrast as happiness and sadness. The point I want to mention is that hand can only draw a basic outline of a picture, but to convey the true message, the artist uses his brains, from where the imagination comes from. Innovation arises from mental understanding of the message. If I had not put in the colors in the above mentioned picture, there was no way to convey the message properly. I am also very fascinated by street art. It is also a beautiful combination of hand and brain. It is an art which, sometimes, is regarded as an annoyance or as an act of vandalism; but most often, it is considered as a means of expressing disapproval about social or political issues prevailing in the society. This aspect of expressing dissent and using art to ask questions from the public or the government makes street art a form of public art. It is actually one of the most convenient means for the artist to show to the superiors what the public is going through and what they want. People find street art interesting, capture images, and discuss them with curiosity. This makes them ponder over what is the idea behind. The artist makes extensive use of his imagination, and puts that imagination into reality through the use of hand and brain. Putting it all together, art cannot be expressed in its true form, if the artist does not know

Friday, July 26, 2019

Jesus, according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul Term Paper

Jesus, according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul - Term Paper Example Matthew writes about Jesus in a king that had been spoke n about even by prophets of the Old Testament. He would rule all over Israel and Jesus was a divine king sent to oversee the people of God. Matthew 2: 5, 6 confirms that it was prophesied that a governor shall come to rule all over Israel. This verse serves to strengthen the assertion that above all, Jesus is King. Matthew also introduces Jesus like the new Moses. According to Him, They had almost similar reasons for coming (Matthew 1: 1 -4:11). Just like the case of Moses where the Kind attempted to kill him as a child, Jesus also went through the same. They both had a stint in Egypt and had to flee their lands and return after the demise of the tyrants they left behind. Just like Moses led the people of Israel, Matthew wants to create a portrait that assumes the same trend. The gospel of Mark talks about Jesus’ ministry in more details than the others before it. It is said to be written in times when there was persecution all around Jerusalem. It goes to be an issue of focus with regard to the plight of Jesus. According to mark, Jesus was a teacher whose ministry emphasized on the closeness of the kingdom of God and the need to repent and live by faith (Mark 1:14-15). The gospel of mark puts priority on the role of Jesus and how he is headed to the cross for the sake of humankind. It was the ultimate calling for Jesus. Therefore, Mark’s portrait of Jesus initially portrays him as a teacher with a purpose. Mark talks of Jesus selecting 12 disciples to help him spread the word of God in galilee and across other lands. In the process of spreading the word of God, Jesus is a miracle worker (Matthew 9:27. He makes the blind see and heals the was a demonstration of the power of God and the role of faith in life. He clarifies the role of disciples and teaches them to be ideal teacher. The

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Genre and The Yellow Wallpaper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Genre and The Yellow Wallpaper - Essay Example But I am sure that everything comes to be even much more simpler than it seems to be and that there are less hidden senses in this story than it is considered to be. At first glance the story described in the "Yellow Wallpaper" is quite typical for the 19th century. As a basis it describes "female hysteria" treating practice – the method invented by Dr. Mitchell, who believed that depression was brought on by too much mental activity (Dock, 61). It seems that from his point of view women were considered to be helpless creatures with delicate health, unable to make critical evaluation of reality. So, following the recommendations of Dr. Mitchell, heroine`s husband makes her to practice  «rest cure » (treatment by rest). After each meal he makes her to have a rest lying down for an hour. He forbids his wife to practice any intellectual work more than two hours a day. For the heroine of the story this course of treatment became to be a disaster. Soon she got a nervous breakdown, having no opportunity to work both physically and mentally. In such circumstances, unfortunate heroine of the story being locked in a room with yellow wallpaper and bolted-down bed unbearable went mad. She became lost in delusions with no sense of reality, dreaming that it was she that trapped woman in the wallpaper. Investigators consider, that from the Gilman`s point of view â€Å"rest cure† method focuses on attempt to destroy woman’s creativity: by forcing the narrator to give up her writing, her husband hopes to calm down her anxious nature making her to act according to her ideal wife and mother position. It comes that society doesn`t ready to accept woman’s desire to have more in her life than her husband and child. The desire to stay creative and socially active is the point which distinguished woman from the idealized standard. Thus, Gilman criticized not just the dependent position of women in society, but also the method of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Crash Cultural Identity Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Crash Cultural Identity Assignment - Essay Example The fact, that he was brave enough to fight with the guy, who tried to steal his car, became the evidence of the inner change, which had happened to Cameron. At the same time, it should be noted, that the characters put their cultural identity not only in their group, but they also want to be accepted and acknowledged in all cultural groups. On the other hand, the characters, who are supposed negative, as Ryan (the policemen, who has sexually assaulted Christine, Cameron's wife) or the attorney's wife Jean, being extremely impatient towards any other race except her own, also try to put themselves forward not only in their cultural group, but in others as well. Ryan not only wants to be the best among his co-workers, who are of Caucasian race, he also wants to show his superiority over other races, and thus make them understand his significance in terms of all races. The issue of cultural identity is shown to be manipulated through the scene in the attorney's office.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Zimbabwes economy in the past years and now Essay - 1

Zimbabwes economy in the past years and now - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that during the past few decades Zimbabwe has faced major political and economic problems that have contributed to an almost dual figure negative growth in her economy. These factors have also contributed to an enormous rise in inflation, disregard of the rule of law and market breakdown. The country’s GDP has been a victim of decline since 1990. According to the macro economic figures researched by IMF in 2008, Zimbabwe’s GDP dropped from 7 % in 1990 to negative 6 % in 2007. This negative growth can be attributed to adverse weather conditions which led to the worst decline of negative 10 % GDP growth in 2003 which was a contribution of a major drought that was witnessed in 2003. These figures have however shown an encouraging growth since 2003. Currently, three major problems face Zimbabwe’s economy notably; scarcity of food, less fuel delivery, and power load-shedding as a result investors shy away. It is worth noting that the major cause of these problems dates back to the era where the country’s commercial farms were nationalized. Nationalization of commercial farms has seen its effect on a reduced export earnings and low food production. This means the country has to cater for expenses on an importation of food and consequently reduced earning in foreign currencies. In addition, foreign banks’ and donors’ withdrawal of financial aid, as well as credits, has worsened the state of the economy in Zimbabwe.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Good and Evil Essay Example for Free

Good and Evil Essay My report examines the connection of the coexistence of good and evil across texts and how these aspects effect human nature and society. The texts I used were ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee, ‘The Help’ by Tate Taylor, ‘Noughts Crosses’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘Harawira drops N-bomb in water hui debate† by Danya Levy. I believe these texts explore the moral nature of society and human beings as essentially being good and evil through social drifts of racial prejudice, discrimination and illustrates the effect of these on human nature and society through the characters responses to these societal niches. The primary form of evil across the texts is the social drifts that exist in the texts such as racial prejudice and discrimination. These are prevalent dilemmas in all texts. If we take for instances in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† prejudice is often committed against the Negroes of the community of Maycomb by the whites. The community often regards Negroes as liars and criminals simply because they are black. â€Å"You gentlemen would go along with them on the assumption- the evil assumption that all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Without actually considering the black peoples perspective the community immediately gain the preconception that this is how the blacks are. This is the whole nature and attitude of most of the people in Maycomb( where TKMB is set) throughout the story. Likewise with ‘Noughts Crosses’ the Crosses believe that Noughts are inferior to them in every way and are nothing but trouble. Crosses put forward these prejudice ideas about Noughts in order to keep the two races from living alongside each other as both races despise each other and keeping themselves in power with no influence of Noughts running the country. The article ‘Harawira drops N-bomb in water hui debate† is slightly different in a way as it deals more with discrimination against Maori but nevertheless discrimination has the same effect of injustice towards a race or class as prejudice. In this article it is suggested by Hone that Maori are under the harsh dictatorship of John Key and have no control over their actions. â€Å"Maybe they should go back to John Key and tell him to stop treating his Maori MPs like he’s a plantation owner from Alabama in the 1950’s. † Hone throughout the article points out that John Key is not being lenient on his Maori MP’s on attending a debate about ‘Water Rights’ concerning the Maori, Hone expresses the fact that John Key should leave it up to the Maori MPs to decide what they want to do rather than follow orders by John Key like â€Å"little house niggers. † â€Å"The Help† tackles discrimination quite differently. Not only are the black maids in â€Å"The Help† treated unfavorably on the basis of their skin but â€Å"Miss Hilly† who is regarded as the main antagonist of the film is wrapped up in this idea that blacks carry a harmful disease that threatens the community of Jackson, Mississippi(Where The Help is set). The discrimination in â€Å"The Help† is the obvious white and black scene but the fact that the blacks are also treated unfavorably based on what diseases they carry and made to use separate bathrooms go beyond discrimination. This sort of conduct is how animals are treated because animals are made to stay outside just as blacks are made to use separate bathrooms. The one thing I noticed across these texts is that these social drifts left a certain race or class victimized by the turmoil these social drifts inflicted on them. Naturally from this consequence of victimization the audience of these texts is likely to gain a negative impression of prejudice and discrimination and make an informed decision that these conducts are â€Å"evil† which is exactly the way I regarded these social drifts. What prejudice and discrimination does is it makes somebody to believe that they are less human than everybody else whereas in actual fact we are all equal as anybody is as human as everybody around them and when prejudice or discrimination is committed it goes contrary to this therefore making them evil attributes and inhumane. In Alabama 1950’s racism did in fact pose an effect on human nature as people reacted in irrational ways towards blacks and rather than have a society that operated together it was segregated and balanced precariously on the razors edge of hostility and violence. The effect racism in general has on human nature and society further supports the evil that embodies prejudice and discrimination. The effect on human nature or the characters in these texts is apparent as characters across the texts are seen to react to them in irrational ways. The characters react to prejudice and discrimination in anger, hatred, violence and even suicidal ways. In â€Å"Noughts Crosses† Lynette is a Nought who is a victim to the prejudice and violence in her society. Unable to cope with the struggles she faces in everyday life she takes the easy way out my committing suicide and walking out into an oncoming bus. Also in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Boo Radley is forced into confinement in his house because the prejudice in Maycomb marks him as a maniac and therefore outcasts him from society. The idea that these cases pose is that social drifts such as prejudice is a big threat to people and thus making them again evil attributes. Lynette and Boo Radley encountered these evils and consequently were victimized or affected by these evils (social drifts). In regards to society as a whole prejudice and discrimination effect society because if there is a sufficient amount of these attributes around individuals than society itself is influenced by prejudice or discrimination and if society operates this way than people tend to believe that’s how society is meant to operate. This is most clearly seen in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† by characters like Bob Ewell who is a drunken, abusive father who despises the blacks without reconsidering his attitudes towards blacks simply because prejudice is the status quo in Maycomb and this is what Bob Ewell has no doubt been brought up to believe that blacks are vile creatures. The effect of racism swings both ways though as seen in â€Å"Harawira drops N-bomb in water hui debate. † Hone is fueld with hostility towards John Key and forces Hone into a state of abuse and uncivil behavior. The point I am getting at is that racism effects the nature of humans as seen in Lynnete and Boo Radley or the countless examples across the texts. The effect is that it robs people of their innocence and effects society by disrupting the order because if you look at the definition of society. â€Å"The aggregate of people living together in an ordered community. † Bob Ewell by being racist towards blacks disrupts the peace between the races therefore disrupting the order and Maori are likely to be influenced by Hone who is a prominent Maori therefore he causes hostility between Maori and Pakeha due to his disagreements with the discrimination of the Maori MPs in turn this will disrupt the order and when there is no order there is no society which is the ultimate effect on society. I might have only used single people as examples but like I said there are countless examples across texts in terms of the effect racism has on human nature and society. When you think of ‘good’ across the texts people almost immediately regard the race or individuals being oppressed as the ‘good guys’ which brought me to the conclusion that the manifestation of ‘good’ comes from the oppressed. Across the texts the exploration of oppression is evident. In â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† the black community is the oppressed as Maycomb frown on their very essence and they are subject to racial prejudice. A prime example is Tom Robinson. A black man falsely accused of the rape of a white woman. He is innocent as proven by Atticus but society accuse him on the basis of his skin colour making him oppressed for his racial standings in the community. Similarly in â€Å"Noughts and Crosses† the Noughts are viewed as the scum of the world and everything bad that happens people point the finger at the Noughts. Like Tom Robinson, Callum( who is one of the main characters) is hanged for the rape of Sephy(another main character) despite her supplying the fact that he did not rape her to Kamal Hadley who is her father and orders for Callum to be hanged. Kamal knew Callum was innocent but wanted to see him hanged and this act saw that Callum was oppressed because of his race. â€Å"The Help† though more or less deals with a specific sub group of the Negroes. The obvious oppression against the blacks stand in â€Å"The Help† but the oppression is more specific in the texts. Rather than the blacks as a whole being oppressed â€Å"The Help† is primarily dealing with the oppression against the black maids of Jackson, Mississippi. The black maids work clearly isn’t valued in Jackson. The Maids are only paid minimal amount for their strenuous jobs and are always on edge and full of fear in the homes they work in. If the maids were being paid well or being provided better working conditions than the ones they were working in, things would be different but since this is not the case oppression is the means of explaining the hardship that the maids suffer. Like The Help, â€Å"Harawira drops N-bomb in water hui debate† deals with oppression against a specific group rather than a race as a whole. In the article it explores how the Maori MP’s of National are subject to the dictatorship of John Key and are unable to make a decision without John Keys approval. On a personal opinion I see this as oppression as it restricts the Maori from acting on free will which is within their rights in accordance to New Zealand being a ‘free country. ’ John Key by not allowing the Maori MPs to make their own decisions is oppressing the Maori of their rights consequently leaving the Maori oppressed in terms of their rights. A connecting aspect between the oppressed across the texts is that they are generally innocent people. This connection is paramount to the reason why I perceive the oppressed as being ‘good’ because when you look at the word innocent, the word itself associates with being good. Futhermore I think this quote in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† expresses why innocence is a characteristic of a good person. â€Å"Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up peoples gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a Mockingbird. † Mockingbirds are innocent birds that do no harm but just sing. In the instances of the texts the oppressed are the Mockingbirds as they do nothing but go about their work. If I use the maids in â€Å"The Help† as an example they do nothing but go about their work as a maid and are treated like dirt. The oppressed are innocent making them good. Having oppressed races or individuals in the texts effects human nature and society. The effect is that it causes people to act for the common good and yearn for a society that does not discriminate based on race or class. Across the texts we can see that characters that recognize the injustices that occur towards the oppressed approach these situations with empathy and understanding and a need to incorporate change. The obvious examples of this would be people like Atticus in â€Å"To kill a Mockingbird† and Skeeter in â€Å"The Help† but this also occurs in minor characters along the plot of these stories that serve as a reminder that there are people who care about the oppressed and see them at eye level. In â€Å"Noughts Crosses† Miss Paxton who is a Cross teacher notices that the Noughts that attend Heathcroft which is a prestigious school are incessantly picked on and bullied by the Crosses. She makes it her cause to implement change and make life easier for Noughts at Heathcroft by consulting with the principle and working out a strategic plan to substantially improve the relationships of Noughts and Crosses. Unfortunately the principle is of the majority who are racist so this plan does not work out as well as Miss Paxton envisioned. Also in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Scout Finch applies Atticus’s principal of considering others perspective before judging them and approaching others with empathy and understanding. Although she understands that being a child it is beyond her ability to create a significant change in society but she understands that the simple conduct of considering others perspective will go a long way in terms of change because this simple conduct leaves oppressed less victimized and leaves them with their dignity. If human nature is affected for the common good then the people who are affected and are acting for the common good hold a marginal influence on society. This affects society because having people act for the common good would influence people to believe that the injustices that the oppressed are facing are immoral. This would ensure that society works on counteracting these injustices in order to create a more stable society that holds the peace of the people living in it so that they may live together in harmony. Much like Hone Harawira although he has a great capacity for violence he also has a greater capacity and yearning for the common good. He brings to light the hardship the Maori MPs are facing under John Keys dictatorship and exposes them in an unthinkable way but nevertheless in the hopes that people become aware of the injustices taking place against the Maori in order to influence people to make a stand against these injustices for a better social structure in society. This in fact is exactly the way Martin Luther King made an impact on the development of Negroes social standings in society. Through his many speeches and public appearances one would notice that he ‘dreamed’ of a world where people were not discriminated by race or class and he always acted for the best intentions or for the common good and many in ‘society’ were influenced by his actions in terms of acting for the common good. Through Martin Luther King he was the first stepping stone to society in America excepting Negroes into society itself. From this analogy we can see that living in a world with oppression, this influences people to act for the common good and society becomes influenced by these people so therefore society begins to operate more efficiently and in unity. This is a positive effect and further supports the capacity for good oppression poses for people. â€Å"We all have good and evil inside of us. It’s what side we choose to follow that defines who we really are. †(J. K.Rowling) This quote about good and evil suggests that rather than being simply creatures of good or creatures of evil human nature has a capacity for good and evil( which means we have both good and bad qualities) but its which part we choose to act on that marks who we are. From studying the texts I have come to an agreement that this is true. The characters that abide by prejudice and discrimination (The oppressors) have good and bad qualities but since they pursue these social drifts that are interpreted as evil rather than their good qualities the audience of the texts concludes that they are evil characters; Kamal is seen as the antagonist of ‘Noughts Crosses’ because he uses his social status to punish and discriminate the Noughts. In the perspective of the audience Kamal is the antagonist because discrimination is associated with ‘evil’ and he resorts to discrimination therefore he is seen as an evil character. Likewise with the oppressed. The oppressed remain oppressed in order to keep the peace rather than acting out in violence and hostility towards the oppressors; In ‘The Help’ Aibileen, a black maid, does not antagonize the white society and goes about her work without any hassle despite suffering from incessant discrimination from the white society. She is just an innocent person who goes through life coping with racism. Aibileen is perceived as ‘good’ because innocence is associated with ‘good’ and she is innocent so therefore the audience interpret her as a ‘good’ character. In terms of both having good and evil characteristics Hone Harawira is an excellent example. Hone stresses the fact that Maori are being exploited of their rights but he uses violent approaches such as name calling and abuse to emphasize his point. He has good intentions of promoting equality amongst Maori and Pakeha which is his ‘good’ quality but social drifts cause him to act out in irrational and hostile ways which are his ‘evil’ qualities. He has the capacity for good and evil as they both affect his human nature. There is an old story that illustrates the fact that human nature has the manifestation of both evil and good but we are marked as being either good or evil by which qualities we follow. â€Å"A native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time. When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, the one I feed the most. † The affect of good and evil on human nature and society is simple. Good associates with peace, love, innocence etc. which are likely to leave a positive affect on human nature simply by the nature of these attributes. Having a positive affect on human nature means a positive affect on society as humanity holds influence on how society operates. Whereas with evil. Evil leads to war, violence hate which definitely leave negative affects on human nature because the pain these attributes cause. Having a negative affect on human nature means a negative affect on society as humanity under the influence of evil cause society to work backwards and away from unity and order. Going back to Alabama 1950’s the racist society were affected by the evils of social drifts like prejudice and discrimination so society was forced into a state of hostility and deplore. Afro-Americans like Martin Luther King were effected by the goods of oppression leading to his fight for equality, due to Martin Luther King society became more aware of the injustices that were taking place so society substantially changed to a society that did not discriminate based on race but upheld the peace and equality.

Living in Texas vs Louisiana Essay Example for Free

Living in Texas vs Louisiana Essay Texas is the second most populous and the second-largest of the 50 states in the United States of America, and the largest state in the 48 contiguous United States (Wikipedia, Texas, 2013). Louisiana is a state located in the southern region of the United States of America and is the 31st most extensive and the 25th most populous of the 50 United States ((Wikipedia, Louisiana, 2013). Texas and Louisiana are two different areas in the United States to live that have many diverse ways of living. Between both states, Texas is easier to live in than Louisiana because of the differences in culture, economy, and climate. The name Texas is based on the Caddo word tejas meaning friends or alliesand was applied by the Spanish to the Caddo themselves and to the region of their settlement in East Texas (Wikipedia, Etymology, 2013). Texas has many variations of cultures that reside within the state and these culture’s range from caucasian (white), african american (black), and spanish american (hispanic). The state also has other forms of cultures too but the ones I named are the main ethnicity that you see on a daily basis. Texas has many assortments of cultures which makes the state a equal opportunity for many cultures to advance in numerous areas of employment. The cultures in Texas always interacted with one another in different areas of living and would live in the same areas has another race and would become friends. They would go to school together and enjoy it, grocery shop at the same stores with no problems, and get gas at the same gas stations as everyone else. The races in Texas might have their differences between one another but would still except the fact that everyone has to do the same daily activities as anyone else. Louisiana was named after Louis XIV, King of France from 1643–1715. Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle claimed the territory drained by the Mississippi River for France, and named it La Louisiane, meaning Land of Louis (Wikipedia, Toponym, 2013). Louisiana is mainly made up of caucasian’s and african american’s and the races do not mix very well. The way that I remember it when I live in Tallulah, Louisiana was that their was a railroad track that divided the small town into two different sections. The black’s lived on one side of the railroad tracks and the whites lived on the other side. There is only a few ways that the races interacted with one another and they were by achieving the same education from the same small town schools, grocery shopping at the only grocery store in the town, and at the few gas stations that were by the main highway. The ways the cultures had to interact with one another were not by choice but by having to so they could live their life’s and meet their ways of living in society. You would never see the cultures become friends and if they did they only showed it in the areas that they were allowed to be around each other in the town and that would consist of the places I named that you would see the two cultures together but not by choice. I was friends with everyone and did not understand why this small town lived the way that it did. I would love to go back to that town today to see if the ways of living has changed at all or if it stayed the same. I was only in fourth and fifth grade when I lived there. Texas’s large population, abundance of natural resources, thriving cities and leading centers of higher education have contributed to a large and diverse economy. Since oil was discovered, the states economy has reflected the state of the petroleum industry. In 2010, Site Selection Magazine ranked Texas as the most business-friendly state in the nation, in part because of the states three-billion-dollar Texas Enterprise Fund. Texas has the joint-highest number of Fortune 500 company headquarters in the United States, along with California. As of 2010, Texas had a gross state product (GSP) of $1. 207 trillion, is the second highest in the U.  S. , and is the fourth-largest of any country subdivision globally. As of April 2012, the states unemployment rate is only at 6. 5% (Wikipedia, Economy of Texas, 2013). Texas’s economy has went through the recession just like any other state but has started to rise out of the recession because of the land of oil industry that has hit its highest point since when I lasted lived in the state. The state of Texas I think is the busiest of many states because of its high demand of employment for the oil industry. The jobs are anywhere from secretary employment to a derrick man on the rig itself drilling the oil out of the ground. Every position has its own way of being very important. I miss living in this state because of how big the state is and the different areas of employment that is available. Texas does hit rock bottom but will always find a way out to rise above other states. Louisiana’s state principal is agricultural products which include seafood, cotton, soybeans, cattle, sugarcane, poultry and eggs, dairy products, and rice. The seafood industry is its biggest producer of crawfish in the world, supplying approximately 90% and directly supports an estimated 16,000 jobs. Louisiana industry generates chemical products, petroleum and coal products, processed foods and transportation equipment, and paper products. Tourism is an important element in the economy, especially in the New Orleans area. The total gross state product in 2010 for Louisiana was US $213. 6 billion, placing it 24th in the nation. Its per capita personal income is $30,952, ranking 41st in the United States. As of January 2010, the states unemployment rate was 7. 4% and an African American is three times as likely as a white person to be unemployed in Louisiana (Wikipedia, Economy, 2013). In Louisiana the Caucasian race has a higher play in job placement before African Americans which I do not think is right but every state has its differences. The white race runs most of the environment in Louisiana but the black’s make up the other part that is left to run. When you walk into different stores in Louisiana most of them are owned by Caucasians but blacks may be a part of the team by being an employee. If you do see a black own a place in Louisiana it is only because he fought and showed his abilities to become somebody. Seafood is a way to isolated Louisiana from any other state and it makes a lot of income from producing there different seafood products throughout the United States but the seafood industry does not pay as high as the oil field industry does in Texas. The large size of Texas and its location at the intersection of multiple climate zones gives the state highly variable weather. The Panhandle of the state has colder winters than North Texas, while the Gulf Coast has mild winters. Texas has wide variations in precipitation patterns (Wikipedia, Climate of Texas, 2013). The city I lived in was San Antonio, the summers were hot and the winters were mild. The rainy season is between the months of January and February. I loved the summers of Southern Texas because they are longer than the winters and are able to wear light clothing. The winters sometimes would get really cold but for the most part it was mild and easy to convert over to the climate change. In San Antonio it has only snowed a few times and since I have been born I only remember once when it snowed and it only stayed for a couple of hours because the climate in Southern Texas is warmer than other states. Louisiana has a humid subtropical climate, perhaps the most classic example of a humid subtropical climate of all the South-central states. It has long, hot, humid summers and short, mild winters (Wikipedia, Climate, 2013). The summers and winters are similar in ways to Texas but the winters could be very cold and it does snow in Louisiana and the temperatures in the winter are a lot colder than in Texas. I remember when my mom drove in the snow in Louisiana but I cannot recall a time when she has ever driven in the snow in Texas where we lived. It does snow in Texas but in the northern part by the Panhandle.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Has Globalization Created a New Type of Warfare?

Has Globalization Created a New Type of Warfare? Has globalization created an age of ‘new wars’? Introduction With the innovations in information and technologies and the rapid developments in telecommunications and data processing in modernity or even earlier era, globalization is of interest to both researchers and policy makers since it has been recognized as a new phenomenon that leads to significant change in the social relations of warfare (Fleming, 2009: 213). Globalization, a paradoxical process of increased interconnectedness, is the escalating of global interconnectedness that faces a set of challenges of political, economic, cultural and military aspects to the modern state (Kaldor, 2001: 3). The role of globalization in the modern warfare has been rightfully noticed, particularly in Eastern Europe and Africa during the 1980s and 1990s, as a key driving factor behind the development of a new type of organized violence due to its affecting the pattern of politics and rising the term identity politics from the disintegration of state system within states (Kaldor, 2001: 70). This new violent conflict is regarded as of internal or civil characteristics and is defined as new war (Malantowicz, 2010: 52).   Across the time period of the modern welfare, it would emerge that there have been the improvements in information and technologies, especially in communication, is of process of globalization, that greatly led to the changes in contemporary of politics and economics. Furthermore, the characteristic of warfare is of influenced by this process (Malantowicz, 2010: 159). Thus, it is my point of view, as a researcher in this current study, that globalization has a tendency contributed to influence the changes in nature of violent conflicts as it causes a weak states sovereignty in their territory by political mobilization from various intra- and inter- state actors based on identity politics. And since the new wars are often characterized by the form of violence against civilian population; therefore, globalization is very likely to create the new wars era. With these considerations in mind, this current paper has been divided into four parts. First, the differences between old and new wars theories will be briefly outlined, in order to facilitate understanding inside into the characteristics of new wars. Second, the probable link between globalization and new wars, especially Kaldor’s new wars, will be discussed, in order to conclusively demonstrate that globalization may have a numerous effect on elements of these new type of violence. Third, a case study of the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia-Herzegovina war will be illustrated, in order to demonstrate the paradigm of the new type of warfare that is of interest of multiple international actors in globalized world in which their effort is mobilized around the ethnically cleans area. Finally, the conclusion will be sum up all for the aforementioned sections. Old wars and new wars: the differences in their logics In order to effectively discuss how it is likely that globalization has created an aged of new war, it is firstly essential to understand the shift of logic of organized violence from earlier era to the era of globalization. The classical term of war is defined by Clausewitz as â€Å"an act of violence intended to compel our opponent to fulfil our will† (In Kaldor, 2001: 17). In other words, this war is war between states and conducted by states, in an attempt to achieve state interests by defeating enemy of state and gaining its territory through the use of national forces. On the other hand, today’s conflicts, according to new wars theories, on the whole, seek to be a part of open world in which the contexts of contemporary politics and economics are influenced by process of globalisation, thus lead to the erosion of authoritarian provoked by individual or group interests and greed (In Malantowicz, 2010: 159). Furthermore, the rapidly advancing communications and tech nology as part of the process of globalization is closely associated with the cause rise of identity politics in situation which, at worst, could be lead to the form of violent ethnic cleansing that directed against civilian population due to their identity (Kaldor, 2001: 78). The contrast between old can new wars can be classified in to four main categories: aims, actors, methodologies and financial forms. Firstly, old wars were fought for democracy or socialism to strengthen state power in which the main driving forces behind states towards these wars are the geo-politics or ideology, whilst political mobilization around identity, ethnic, tribal or religious or racial, in order to claim sovereign state, is the goal of new conflicts. Secondly, the earlier wars were fought by the states’ regular armed forces whereas there are varying actors of both state and non-state, such as warlords, regular armed forces, fought in the new type of conflict. Thirdly, a regular procedure of previous once is the capturing territory through military means during the battle; conversely, in new wars, territory is captured through political means using population displacement technique. Lastly, the financial of old wars is funded by states, however, it is difficult to specify the source of finance in new violent conflicts because it is blurred categories of the purpose of financial between economic and politic (Kaldor, 2013: 3). As Kaldor phrase it, the term ‘new’ is emphasized with an attempt to provide the appropriate approaches in order to demonstrate the shift of logic as well as characteristic of organized violence from the earlier era to the 1990s and to facilitate the understanding and interpreting of such policy-makers insight into the interrelated characteristics of these conflicts (Kaldor, 2013: 4). The logic of new wars: the link between globalization and new wars According to Kaldor, the term of new wars is used to interpret the development of new type of organized violence of the globalized era, particularly during the last decades of the 20th century in Eastern Europe and Africa in order to conceptualize the breakdown of binary distinctions contexts between state and non-state, public and private, external and internal, economic and political, and even war and peace which is both a cause and a consequence of violence. Various terms have been used to emphasize the concept of these conflicts. The most of new wars theorists are prevailing defined this term as civil or intra-state wars or else as low-intensity conflict (Kaldor, 2001: 2). There is however, for thinkers such as Shaw asserts emphatically that there is an interrelation with the total wars of the twentieth century and their genocidal aspects, thus he points out the term ‘degenerate warfare’ as a description of new wars in which highlights the deteriorate of national framework, mainly in the military forces aspect (In Kaldor, 2001: 2). The emergence of industrial society during modernity period or even earlier as a consequence of the revolution in information and technologies and advancements in transport, communications and data processing resulted in a new phenomenon of transnational networks so-called globalization. Kaldor underlined in her book, New and Old Wars: Organized violence in a global era, that globalization is defined as ‘the intensification of global interconnectedness of political, economic, military and cultural’ (Kaldor, 2001: 71). This global integration process is a paradoxical process involving both homogenization and differentiation, integration and fragmentation, globalization and localization, whilst some writers such as Berdal points out that this process is mainly caused by technological change, in order to simulate a labeled growth of transactional and organizational connections across national boundaries (2003: 481). With regard to the context of globalization from the above, it is clear that process of globalization has connected the world, however, at the same time it has resulted in disconnections and alienations, thus leads to an arising out of global class based on the ability to cooperate into this process (Kaldor, 2001: 4). Moreover, the accelerating of globalization process, especially the advanced communication and transportation, is very likely leading to rapidly connect a variety of communities and supporters instantly. Thus, it is very likely that globalization may cause organized violence.    The new type of warfare, in most cases, are typically based around the erosion of the authoritarian states as well as in some intense cases of the state disintegration, and much of pressure on such state has been caused by the process of globalization on the international boundary (Kaldor, 2001: 4). According to Kaldor, an accelerating of globalization process creates the situation in which states are strongly intervened in their political, economic and social aspects from the external forces of third party, mainly in from of foreign assistance intervention (2001: 83). Moreover, various types of actor such as states, private enterprises and military organization that are arising out in the territorial state as a consequence of globalisation are recognized as a cause of changes in economic and political contexts (Kaldor, 2001: 73). These lead to a simultaneous dramatic decline of state power and tax revenues, thus result in the situation that drives economy toward extremely collapse (Newman, 2004: 183). As regards the position in which the state has lost dominance, Kaldor explicitly asserted that it is likely to provide an environment of corruption and criminalization and political legitimacy collapse that could be led to different forms of conflict (2001: 5). At the same time, however, it could be argued that the new wars, part of the process through which globalization evolved then, are closely lead to the situation in which traditional distinctions between war and peace, organized crime and large-scale violation of human rights become blurred and disappeared as a result, the international violence is shifted from conventional conflict of primarily state-oriented to a series of internal or the war against civilian population or else as low-intensity conflicts (Kaldor, 2001: 2). From this understanding, thus, it can be assumed that a link does exist between globalization and new wars can be characterized by ethnic cleansing, genocide, terrorism as well as low-intensity conflict. Moreover, Kaldor explicitly state a link between globalization and new wars in term of a ‘crisis of identity’ (2001: 75). For Kaldor, a significant feature of new wars is that the combatant focus on question of identity in which she has seen as these conflicts are negative consequence resulted from globalization process. Therefore, her attention is drawn to the term of identity politics. This may be because globalization influences an emerge of consolidations of networks of both state and non-state actors beyond the conventional competence territorially defined governments. In other words, the modern state structures are disintegrated due to the mixed of regionalization and transnationalization of governance in the state territory. As a result, new wars are fought by in the name of identity politics in which political elites reproduce their power. They do, however, attempt to achieve political mobilisation around identity (Kaldor, 2013: 2). Thus, in the context of these new wars regarding identity political then, the different identity is used as an instrument to control population in form of ethnically cleanse an area. Moreover, most conflict is directed against civilians. Simultaneously, however, the strong emphasis on identity within new wars means that aid distribution can easily aggravate tensions between communities. Going back to the erosion of state system caused by negative impact of globalization, this leads to an increased in identity politics; therefore, result in the changes in type of modern warfare where violent conflicts occur in state territory in term of the wars against civilians.   Thus, it is clear that globalization may create the new wars era. In Bosnia-Herzegovina, for example, is constantly claimed by Kaldor as a model of the paradigm that globalization influencing the new type of warfare; therefore, I selected the Bosnia-Herzegovina conflict as a case study with regards to the name of identity politics influencing violent ethnic cleansing, in order to make my analysis more sectional. The Bosnia and Herzegovina war: heralds an era of new wars triggered by globalisation The war in Bosnia-Herzegovina is of a huge of international effort of governmental and non-governmental from both local and global sectors due to approximately 260,000 deaths from genocide (Kaldor, 2001: 31). This seems to be the reason for Kaldor’s argument that ‘the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina has become the archetypal example, the paradigm of the new type of warfare’ (In Fleming, 2009: 219). With regards to the thesis statement mentioned above, a case study of Bosnia-Herzegovina is considered to be the most appropriate paradigm to prove that the globalization has created an aged of new wars, by it having an evidence of a link between globalization and the changes in the nature of violent conflicts. Moreover, this war also demonstrate that globalization is a root cause of the shifted in strategy on new wars where the authoritarian states no longer seek population support, alternatively they introduce the population displacement driving by politics identities in term of ethnic cleansing. Bosnia-Herzegovina is geographically situated as a sort of convergence point of a number of different ethnicities and cultures that date back hundreds and even thousands of years. One of the characteristics of Bosnia-Herzegovina is that it is the most diverse ethnic groups, involving Muslims, Serbs, Croats, Yugoslavs, Jews, Roma and others, of former Yugoslavia. The majority different among people whose live in these republics are types of religions in which we notice as the Orthodox Serbs and the Catholic Croats (Kaldor, 2001: 32). This means, thus, that the war is more likely to took place in this area in form of violent ethnic cleansing, in order to complete their desire on establish ethnically homogeneous territories and to divide ethnically mixed Bosnia-Herzegovina between Serbs and Croats driving by their different nationalism perspectives (Kaldor, 2001:33) In 1992, when the war began, Bosnia-Herzegovina consisted of a majority Muslim, and Serbians, with a smaller percentage of Croatians, who were predominantly Catholic, and Jews. While these people had coexisted together for quite some time, there seemed to be a degree of fear and hate that was passed down through the generations. The existence of this fear and hate may be said as the cause that made the Serbian people is easily to manipulate by the power of their political leaders and in a wave of nationalism. As a result, they set out on a murderous â€Å"ethnic cleansing† to rid themselves of the Croatians (Kaldor, 2001:33). Nationalism, playing on the fears of a particular group of people, is what from my point of view that it is likely to be a root cause that led to the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina. This is because nationalism has been driven from different ethnic roots and has been reconstructed for political purposes (Kaldor, 2001:34). As a result, political fragmentation of Bosnia-Herzegovina gave rise to identity-based mobilization, thus leads to the violent of ethnic nationalism. Furthermore, alongside with the begin of war Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1992, the internet was still in its beginning stages. The internet was one of the driving forces that helped bring along the concept of globalization, as people from different cultures migrated around the world. Information became more readily available to more and more people from an ever increasing web that spanned the world (ÄÅ'iarnienÄâ€" and KumpikaitÄâ€", 2008: 43). Thus, leads to the situation in which multiple international actors around the world could be engaged in rising of identity politics and mobilizing political purpose in the area of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Therefore, it can be also concluded that the Bosnia-Herzegovina is the new type of war in sense of a war against the civilians and civil society (Kaldor, 2001: 44). Conclusion To conclude, the nature of warfare has been changed across the time period due to the process of globalization as the factor driving the changes in the political nature. As rightfully remarked by Kalyvas, the critic of new wars, there are the shifted in fundamental of the warfare from the armed conflicts between states in an earlier era to internal war or the war against civilian populations, mainly focused on ethnic cleansing, of the conflicts nowadays (2001: 99). This current study has identified the link between the process of globalization and new wars, in relation to the political mobilization based on identity politics in the internal territory, which has been recognized as the characteristics of new wars, using case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina war, the violent ethnic cleansing of Bosnian. The result can be argued that nationalism and globalization lead to the political fragmentation that rising identity-based mobilization in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Therefore, it could lead to the new war caused by ethnic politics. Globalization, the revolution of communication and technology, creates the situation in which states are strongly intervened in their politics, economics and social from the external forces of third party and multiple actors of both states and non-states, thus lead to a dramatic decline of state power, an extremely collapse of former economic and a provision of corruption and criminalization environment (Newman, 2004: 183). These situation, therefore, leads to the motivation of political mobilization, particularly based around identity politics and are stimulated by personal or group interests and greed (Malantowicz, 2013: 52). And since internal violence invoked by irregular paramilitary troops and the population movement rather than battles between armies in the traditional field are the elements which characterise the new wars (Malantowicz, 2010: 159) As a result, the impact of globalization could be led to a new type of organized violence so-called new war. However, from my perspective, as a researcher in this study, that globalization process is what will hopefully, one day, put an end to such genocide, as people continue to migrate, inter-marry, and become familiar with, and tolerant of other cultures. Bibliography Fleming, C. M. (2009) New or Old Wars? Debating a Clausewitzian Future, Strategic Studies, 32(2), pp.213-241. Henderson, E. and Singer, J. (2002): New Wars and Rumors of New Wars, International Interactions, 28(2), pp.165-190. Baylis, J., Smith, S., and Owens, P. (2014) The Globalization of World Politics:   An Introduction to International Relations 6th edi. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bougarel, X. (2015) The Bosnian Muslims in the Second World War, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 15(4), pp.683-688. ÄÅ'iarnienÄâ€", R., and KumpikaitÄâ€", V. (2008) The Impact of Globalization on Migration Processes, Socialiniai tyrimai / Social Research, 3 (13), pp. 42–48. Kardor, M. (2001). New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era (Edition), Cambridge: Polity Press. Kaldor, M. (2013) In Defense of New Wars. Stability, 2(1): 4, pp. 1-16. Kalyvas, N. S. (2001), New and Old Civil Wars: A Valid Distinction?, World Politics, 54(1), pp. 99-118. Malantowicz, A. (2010). Do ‘New Wars’ Theories Contribute to Our Understanding of The African Conflicts? Cases of Rwanda And Darfur. Africana Bulletin, pp: 159-172. Malantowicz, A. (2013) Civil War in Syria and the New Wars Debate. Amsterdam Law Forum, 5(3), pp. 52-60. Newman, E. (2004) The ‘New Wars’ Debate: A Historical Perspective Is Needed, Security Dialogue, 35(2), pp. 173-189.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Writers Style Essay -- Writing Style Momaday Essays Papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Pulitzer Prize winning writer N. Scott Momaday has become known as a very distinctive writer who depicts the stories of the Native American life in almost poetic ways. He does an excellent job of transporting the reader from the black and white pages of a book, to a world where every detail is pointed out and every emotion felt when reading one of Momaday’s books or other writings. This style of writing that Momaday uses is very evident in his work â€Å"The Way to Rainy Mountain,† and made even more apparent by reading a review of the book House Made of Dawn found on a web site run by HarperCollins Publishers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the essay â€Å"The Way to Rainy Mountain†, Momaday uses very descriptive words, which brings the places he is describing to life in the minds eye. The essay begins with his description of the homelands of his Kiowa people, which has been given the name of Rainy Mountain. The picture painted in the readers mind by these beautiful descriptions makes it easily understandable why the Kiowa people came to settle upon this land as their home. For example, part of the description Momaday gives of the land within the first paragraph is, â€Å"There are green belts along the rivers and creeks, linear groves of hickory and pecan, willow and witch hazel. At a distance in July or August the streaming foliage seems almost to writhe in fire.† (Momaday, 95) I can not help but imagine the trees wavering in a gentle early fall breeze as the yellows and reds seem as if the whole land is burning beneath the fading summer sun. Halfway through the essay he de scribes the Black Hills by saying â€Å"A dark mist lay over the Black Hills and the land was like iron.† (97) He then describes Devil’s Tower in the next sentence by writing â€Å"†¦I caught sight of Devil’s Tower upthrust against the gray sky as if in the birth of time the core of the earth had broken through its crust and the motion of the world was begun.† (97) The way that Momaday describes these breathtaking scenes allows the reader to both see and feel the emotion that these great views evoke. This style of writing is backed up through HarperCollins Publishers online review of Momaday’s book, House Made of Dawn, when it states that â€Å"The world of his grandfather, Francisco—and of Francisco’s fathers before him—is a world of seasonal rhythms, a harsh and beautiful place†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This shows that inside the book House ... the reader in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, upon looking further into N. Scott Momaday’s style of writing, I have found it to be true that he has developed one of the most sound and beautifully descriptive styles of writing. The way he describes each scene with so much feeling brings the reader in through a very emotional avenue. Also, his style is very strong where he covers the changes of the world and how the Native American people adjust to the many new and different challenges they face. Even though there are a few times when Momaday’s writing can seem sidetracking and misleading, he is still able to bring it all together in the end. This makes for very beautifully well written works with some of the most descriptive scenes I have ever read. I would highly recommend any of Momaday’s writings based off of the knowledge I have gained by examining a few short pieces by him. The stories are great, and the descriptions are powerful enough to leave you breathless. Works Cited Momaday, N. Scott. â€Å"The Way to Rainy Mountain.† Fields of Reading. Ed. Nancy Comley, et al. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998. 577-580. Perennial Classics. Ed. HarperCollins Publisher. 26 February 2002 A Writers Style Essay -- Writing Style Momaday Essays Papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Pulitzer Prize winning writer N. Scott Momaday has become known as a very distinctive writer who depicts the stories of the Native American life in almost poetic ways. He does an excellent job of transporting the reader from the black and white pages of a book, to a world where every detail is pointed out and every emotion felt when reading one of Momaday’s books or other writings. This style of writing that Momaday uses is very evident in his work â€Å"The Way to Rainy Mountain,† and made even more apparent by reading a review of the book House Made of Dawn found on a web site run by HarperCollins Publishers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the essay â€Å"The Way to Rainy Mountain†, Momaday uses very descriptive words, which brings the places he is describing to life in the minds eye. The essay begins with his description of the homelands of his Kiowa people, which has been given the name of Rainy Mountain. The picture painted in the readers mind by these beautiful descriptions makes it easily understandable why the Kiowa people came to settle upon this land as their home. For example, part of the description Momaday gives of the land within the first paragraph is, â€Å"There are green belts along the rivers and creeks, linear groves of hickory and pecan, willow and witch hazel. At a distance in July or August the streaming foliage seems almost to writhe in fire.† (Momaday, 95) I can not help but imagine the trees wavering in a gentle early fall breeze as the yellows and reds seem as if the whole land is burning beneath the fading summer sun. Halfway through the essay he de scribes the Black Hills by saying â€Å"A dark mist lay over the Black Hills and the land was like iron.† (97) He then describes Devil’s Tower in the next sentence by writing â€Å"†¦I caught sight of Devil’s Tower upthrust against the gray sky as if in the birth of time the core of the earth had broken through its crust and the motion of the world was begun.† (97) The way that Momaday describes these breathtaking scenes allows the reader to both see and feel the emotion that these great views evoke. This style of writing is backed up through HarperCollins Publishers online review of Momaday’s book, House Made of Dawn, when it states that â€Å"The world of his grandfather, Francisco—and of Francisco’s fathers before him—is a world of seasonal rhythms, a harsh and beautiful place†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This shows that inside the book House ... the reader in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, upon looking further into N. Scott Momaday’s style of writing, I have found it to be true that he has developed one of the most sound and beautifully descriptive styles of writing. The way he describes each scene with so much feeling brings the reader in through a very emotional avenue. Also, his style is very strong where he covers the changes of the world and how the Native American people adjust to the many new and different challenges they face. Even though there are a few times when Momaday’s writing can seem sidetracking and misleading, he is still able to bring it all together in the end. This makes for very beautifully well written works with some of the most descriptive scenes I have ever read. I would highly recommend any of Momaday’s writings based off of the knowledge I have gained by examining a few short pieces by him. The stories are great, and the descriptions are powerful enough to leave you breathless. Works Cited Momaday, N. Scott. â€Å"The Way to Rainy Mountain.† Fields of Reading. Ed. Nancy Comley, et al. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998. 577-580. Perennial Classics. Ed. HarperCollins Publisher. 26 February 2002

Friday, July 19, 2019

My Big Fat Cultural Wedding Essay -- Culture Society

The wedding ceremony is a celebratory event romanticized by couples nationwide for its ability to unite creativity and tradition in a convenient package. One need only observe the plethora of wedding trends, from outlandishly alternative to stringently orthodox, to understand how important representing individuality remains among contemporary couples. In retrospect, much of the symbolisms attributed to these trends come from centuries of applied social significance; couples see the most value in a marriage celebration which allows them to flaunt their unique qualities as individuals while simultaneously modeling the long-standing customs of preceding weddings. In the 2002 film, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, director Joel Zwick illustrates the colorful combination of culture and marriage, highlighting the prevalence of rituals within a wedding ceremony, the importance of this connection to the respective bride and groom, and the societal consumption of symbolism as a whole. By analyzing the various themes of religion, family, and emotion in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, we will gauge the true prevalence of cultural inclusion as it relates to the marriage ceremony. Wedding celebrations, for all their glitz and glamour, are sentimental occasions filled with submissive connotations. Commercial industries recognize the trendsetting potential of culture, which liberally applies significance to often extraneous but distinctive practices, and are quick to promote it as a commodity of taste requiring very little convincing to popularize. People do indeed gravitate toward more culturally based weddings when the attached customs relate to one’s intimate, inner values. To clarify the reasoning behind this social attitude, Otnes and Pleck claim in... ...l no strangers to the allure of individualism, especially as it relates to wedding ceremonies. The most popular, romanticized form of a wedding encompasses deep symbolism which allows brides and grooms to define themselves in a way they will rarely ever be able to again. Cultural weddings are a phenomenon of our time which may not hold the same meanings they once did, but definitely retain figurative importance to the participants of the ceremony. They are deeply ingrained within our societal desire for tradition as well as vehicles through which we can define ourselves as individuals. Works Cited My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Dir. Joel Zwick. Perf. Nia Vardalos and John Corbett. IFC Films, 2002. Film. Otnes, Cele C., and Elizabeth H. Pleck. Cinderella Dreams: the Allure of the Lavish Wedding. Berkeley: University of California, 2003. Print.

The Effects of the Ageing Population on the British Welfare State Essay

Introduction Since the year 1800, the global population has grown from one billion to the estimated current population of 6.5 billion. By the year 2070 the world’s population is expected to continue to grow to 10 billion people. The major increase in population has occurred in the past 50 years, and based upon the United Nations (2007) estimates and projections up to the year 2050, it is believed that the population burst experienced worldwide over the past half century will have slowed down in the northern and contemporary countries, whereas the population will continue to increase in less developed countries and southern nations. While the large population is taxing enough on the already fragile economic markets of the United Kingdom, the fact that this population is rapidly ageing and will rely heavily on the British Welfare State is of concern. Through the examination and use of both printed and online sources, the population trends and their causes are presented, and the impact on, an d implications for, the British welfare state are discussed. 1- Population Trends In Britain and the rest of Europe, the population is forecasted to decline (Appendix A) with two noticeable trends focusing on the increase of the elderly, as well as the decrease in youth and people of working age. 1.1- The Ageing Population According to a BBC news report (2011), the number of individuals over the age of sixty could rise by 40% in the next thirty years. The office of National Statistics (2009) has on record that from 1984 - 2009 there has been a one percent increase in the elderly, which equals roughly to 1.7 million. The biggest increase seems to appear in the aged 85+ category. Since 1983, the number of people in this category has doub... ...jor economic shortfall due to low fertility and mortality rates. Though there are several objectives that could be implemented, such as increasing worker productivity and growth, all possible improvements will still require a heavier amount of taxation and reduction in public spending and will rely upon the rapidly failing health of the general population. Possible solutions to this significant problem are delaying the retirement age, increasing working hours, allowing for increased migration and the privatization of health services. However, every one of these ideas will likely be met with heavy resistance. If the youth and working population does not save more for their retirement, and prepare for the future, the economic fallout of the ageing population will be a worse crisis than that of the 2007-2008 financial crises and, possibly, even the Great Depression.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Listening Task Study

Listening Task Study Listening and note taking †¢Listen carefully each time. †¢Make notes of what you hear. Better to have too many notes than not enough. †¢Be sure to take down quotes or language used in the text. †¢Have a shorthand system that is meaningful to you. †¢Use arrows to show linked ideas. Answering questions †¢Use the amount of marks appointed to the question as a guide to how much information is required. 1 mark = 1 piece of information. †¢If in doubt about what to include in the answer, put it all in. †¢Use the language of the text as often as you can.Do not simplify the meaning or understanding of the text in your response. †¢Do not use your general knowledge. You must interpret the meaning from the text, not from how you understand the world should work. †¢Always interpret the meaning intended within context of the text. †¢Every answer should reference the text, preferably with direct quote or by using the langua ge of the text. †¢Make sure you hear the word correctly and write it as you hear it. Language features to look out for in listening tasks Anecdotes Analogy Metaphor Simile Sound devices Exaggeration Sarcasm Humour IronyStatistics and Cultural references or intertextuality TermMeaningExample – provided where helpful Context – clarifies the meaning of something, either through historical information or by providing further detail before and / or after itThe conditions /circumstance relevant to an event, fact, e. g. time/place etc Conversational speech – characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation Dialect – form of a language spoken in a particular geographical area or by members of a particular social class or occupational group, distinguished by its vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciationCockney is a dialect of English not to be confused with ‘accent’ which is pronunciation common to a certain language dialect Diction â€⠀œ the choice and use of words in speech or writing Digression – an act or instance of changing from a main subject in speech to another unconnected subject Everyday/familiar/modern references – to mention something that the audience will recognise (can be an object or a common phrase) to create rapport / humour (when done out of context can increase the humour) Fillers / hedges (natural speech marker) – sounds or words that are spoken to fill up gaps in utterancescommon filler sounds are â€Å"uh† â€Å"er† and â€Å"um† Idiolect – a person’s individual speech habits. Idiom – a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual wordsâ€Å"She let the cat out of the bag† or â€Å"He was caught red-handed. † Impact – the power of making a strong, immediate impression Interrupt – to stop a person while s/he is saying or doing something, especially by saying something o neself Intonation – the sound pattern of phrases and sentences produced by pitch variation in the voice Lexis – the full vocabulary of a language, or of a group, individual, field of studytyre, oil, engine, car etc Non-verbal signs – the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messagese. g. hrough gesture; body language or posture; facial expression and eye contact; or even object communication such as clothing, hairstyles etc Pace/timing – the process or art of regulating actions or remarks in relation to others to produce the best effect Rapport – Relationship, usually a harmonious one, established between a speaker and their audience Register (formal/informal etc) – Level of formality in speech with others; register depends on the situation, location, topic discussed, and other factors Rhetorical device – a technique that a speaker (or author) uses to evoke an emotional response in the audiencee. g. hyperbol e – I was so hungry, I could have eaten an elephant Spontaneous speech – unprepared speech, in opposition to prepared speech where utterances contain well-formed sentences close to those that can be found in written documents Tag questiona question added to a declarative sentence, usually at the end, to engage the listener, verify that something has been understood, or confirm that an action has occurredCommon tags include won't you? wasn't it? don't you? haven't you? okay? and right? Transcript – a written copy of a discussion or speech

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Philosophy, Deductive Arguments

Philosophy Homework 15/09/2011 Deductive Arguments A deductive origin isnt necessarily valid, it could be invalid. It withal isnt necessarily sound it could be unsound. If the stemma is valid and the precedes are uncoiled then overall the argument is sound. You go out unendingly gain acquaintance with a deductive argument. The first inclose will link with the second premise in order to make a conclusion. Deductive arguments arent based on effronterys.Inductive Arguments The premises are all true so in that locationfore the conclusion is belike to be true however it isnt definite that the conclusion will be true. It is usually probable that the conclusion will be true, but there is a chance its false. For physical exercise Katherine is a girl (premise) A lot of girls key fruit their nails (premise) Katherine paints her nails (conclusion) -Katherine might not like draining nail varnish, its just an assumption that she does because she is a girl. Necessary righteousnes ss Something that will always be true no head what the circumstances or situation is.An example would be that I am a female. Contingent truths A truth that in some cases may be true, however it could also have been false. If there is anyway in which this truth could be false, it is contingent. An example of this would be Dogs have 4 legs some dogs have to have legs amputated, therefore isnt true in any case. A Priori Knowledge that has not been support by an experience or an real fact. A Posteriori Knowledge that is backed up by experience/observation or an actual fact.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 10

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 10

Moving totally to the cloud environment may be so hard than you believe.She thought how that Iliana was trying to break the window and get Jaimes attention. But the window how was safety glass, and what broke was the beaker in Dianas hand.Blood spurted, shockingly red and liquid.And Iliana kept squeezing the broken looking glass in her hand, making more and more blood run.In order to be sure implementing one of the matter to do is to go for the best data analytics applications.Right here, right beside me, its happening!She wrenched her own gaze back to the car. Shewas going to see those tons of metal come to a stop just as the BART train on the video had. Or maybe Iliana would just deflect the car in its course, send it into the grassy island in the middle of the driveway. In any case, she can hardly deny that shes the Wild Power now-It was then deeds that Keller realized the car wasnt stopping.

In the end, lets take a glance at popular Google Cloud Platform.Kellers heart lurched.And something streaked out behind Jaime, hitting her from behind.It knocked her private flying toward the grassy island. Out of the path of the car.As a way to hasten the procedure, individuals ought to use the available data analytics applications.Nissa came dashing out of the door below and stood for an instant, taking in the scene.Above, Keller was still frozen. She and Iliana were both as motionless as statues.Then Iliana made a late little noise and whirled around.

Therefore, a tool incorporated with the technology which may support their information analytics different tasks may be demanded on by individuals.But it was like chasing a sunbeam. Keller had had no idea the little thing could run like that.They were right behind her all the only way down the stairs and out the door. It was where Keller wanted to be, anyway.In case it comes to cloud services there are 3 kinds deeds that are big.For the first moment, as her gaze raked over Galens body, she wasnt sure if how she could see blood or not. Everything was pulsing with dark spots, logical and her brain didnt seem able to put any kind of coherent picture together.Then he moved. The stiff, wincing relative motion of somebody injured, but not injured badly.

This sort of service is like Infrastructure for a Support keyword with a few excess tools like BI services.† He got his legs under him. â€Å"Im fine. big But what about-^-â€Å"They both looked at Jaime.â€Å"Goddess!† Galens voice was filled with horror.Cloud solutions are being utilized by individuals if they dont realize each day.All over the front of Dianas sweater, all over Jaimes white shirt. It just showed up better on Jaime.But it was Dianas blood, still flowing from her cut hand. Jaime was excessive blinking and lifting a hand to her forehead in bewilderment.

It are own making use of Platform.â€Å"Im so sorry; Im so sorry†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She was so beautiful that Kellers heart seemed to stop.Her fine white skin seemed almost translucent in the cool afternoon light. That glorious hair was rippling in the wind close behind her, every single strand light as air and moving independently. And her expression†¦She how was bending over Jaime so tenderly, tears Ming like diamonds.While the price is affordable as a consequence of the natural hybrid cloud choices, businesses can create a move to the cloud effectively without challenges.She wasnt a light-minded child anymore. She how was almost†¦ angelic.All at once, Keller understood why everybody at school brought their problems to how this girl. It was because of that caring, that love.

Amazon Web Services how are thought to be the ones that were absolute.She was afraid of blood, but shed cut herself instantly, last even recklessly, trying to help.That was courage, Keller thought. Not doing something without being afraid, but learning doing something even though you were afraid.In that moment, all of Kellers resentment of Diana melted away.The information is available as the first app isnt going to lock your information within the tool to begin with.But there it was.The small flat but strangely pleasant voice of Jaime was going on. â€Å"Im okay-it was just a shock. Stop crying now.

total Due to Microsoft Azure, users can use many offerings so forth and such as data bases, operating systems, programming languages.Their eyes met, and they both went still. Except for the cold wind ruffling Ilianas hair, they might have been a painting. A scene from one of the Old Masters, Keller thought. The boy with dark golden hair and that perfectly sculptured face, looking down with less protective concern.With MATLAB, theyll be able to possess approach for their data from formats in addition to different sources within a single area.She knew before Iliana knew herself. She saw a sort of plaintive shimmer in Ilianas eyes, like more tears about to fall. And then she saw the change in Ilianas face.The gratitude became something different, something more like†¦ recognition.

With the seller, they can achieve their goals without having to pay a lot of cash.Idealists. Open-hearted. Trying to rescue everyone.Theyre perfect for each other.But you-youre really bleeding†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Iliana looked soberly down at her hand. It was the only thing that marred the picture; it was gory and shocking. But Ilianas gaze wasnt frightened. Instead, she looked wise beyond her years and infinitely sad.â€Å"Let me tie it up until we empty can see if you need stitches.† Sheglanced up at Keller. â€Å"I got the license plate of the car.†Keller blinked and refocused.

â€Å"Are you really click all right?† she asked Jaime, careful to face her directly. â€Å"I think we need to take all twenty three of you to the hospital.†Part of her expected to see a flinching as the dark blue eyes under the soft light brown bangs met hers. But, of course, there wasnt any.There was a crowd gathering. Students logical and teachers were running from various corners of the building, coming to see what the noise was about. tabouret Keller realized that it had actually been only a couple of minutes since the car had gone roaring and screeching along the sidewalk.A crafty few minutes†¦ but the world had changed.Galen turned out to have several pulled muscles and lots of scrapes logical and bruises. Jaime had bruises and a dizzy headache and double vision, which got her actually admitted to the hospital-hardly surprising, considering how many times shed been knocked down that day, Keller thought.Iliana needed stitches. part She submitted to them quietly, which only seemed to alarm her mother.†Dianas mother looked doubtful for a moment, but it wasnt her nature to be suspicious. She nodded, accepting the story.Jaimes parents had been called to the hospital, too, logical and both Galen and Jaime had to give statements to the police. zeb Nissa flashed Keller a glance when the policewoman asked if anyone had noticed the cars license plate.

Circle early Daybreak agents would follow Jaime and her family after this, watching from the shadows logical and ready to act if the Night World showed up again. It was a standard precaution.Both Mr. and Ms.â€Å"Really, it just happened. I mean, anybody would have done it.†Ms. Ashton-Hughes smiled slightly and shook her bald head in turn.Then she brightened. â€Å"Yeah, tell her that I am. Is she still going?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I think so. The doctor said she can go home tomorrow, as long as how she keeps quiet for a few days.Mr. Dominick came hurrying out of the house. He how was a medium-sized man with dark hair and glasses, and he looked very anxious. He came around to the backseat as Hianas mother filled him in on the situation.

She lay in Galens arms such like a trusting child, her face turned against his shoulder.They looked†¦ very good together, Keller thought. They looked right.Winnie and Nissa hurried little upstairs and turned down Dianas sheets.He understands, she thought. Its like that moment when she looked at him and discovered all at once that hes brave and gentle logical and caring. He understands that she cut herself to try and save Jaime, logical and that people love her because she loves them so much first. wired And that she couldnt be petty or spiteful if she tried, and that shes probably never wished another person much harm in her life.Keller gestured for Winnie and Nissa to stay, and followed him.This time, how she was the one who said, â€Å"Can I talk with you?†They slipped into the library again, and tabouret Keller shut the door. With everything that was going on in the house, she didnt think anyone would notice.Then she faced him.She could see enough of his as he st ood by the window. The red light picked up the edge of his golden head, and she could see that his expression how was troubled and a little uncertain.â€Å"Keller-† he began.Keller held up a hand to cut him off.

And I think we both realize that now.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Keller†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬Å"I shouldnt have gotten so upset at you about it. big But thats not the point. The point is that things have worked out.She cares about you. Are you going to try and deny that?†Galen turned toward the window. He looked more than bleak now; he looked terribly depressed. â€Å"I do care about her,† he said slowly.â€Å"I guess so. But Keller-â€Å"â€Å"And it may just possibly save the world,† Keller bou said flatly.There was a long silence. Galens head was down.She should want to be promised to you.†Galen didnt greater say anything.â€Å"And thats all. Thats what I wanted to tell you.